Category: Management Software

Management Software

Air Conditioner Efficiency Tips

Air Conditioner Efficiency Tips

By Wolfe Plumbing

When the temperatures rise in the summertime, the efficiency of your air conditioners drops. There are some steps that you can take that will keep your home cooler, reduce your air conditioning costs, and provide savings on your energy bill.

Have your air conditioning unit inspected annually. They need to be periodically cleaned and tuned. Have a professional inspect and tune your system. Have them check the coolant charge, airflow, and the insulation on the cooling lines.

Keep rooms closed off and vents shut in rooms that are not used frequently.

Be sure your ducts are properly sealed and insulated. Duct leaks can allow cool air into your attic or crawl space or they can draw hot air and moisture into your home.


Install a timed thermostat that turns on the AC later in the day and off earlier in the evening when it is cooler.

Use fans to keep the cool air circulating thoughout your house.

Dark colored roofing absorbs a lot of solar energy, which is converted to heat in your attic and living space. The next time you re-roof your home, consider installing white or other light-colored shingles to reflect more solar heat.

When solar energy heats your attic, this heat radiates through the ceiling and heats the rooms below. Attic insulation slows this heat flow, and it also slows the heat flow out of your home in the winter. Add attic insulation to total 16 inches or more if you currently have less than 6 inches of insulation.

Windows allow sunlight to pour into your home. Awnings, sunscreens, or curtains over the windows that receive the most sun will help keep the heat out.

Obstructions surrounding the outdoor unit of your air conditioner will reduce the airflow over the condenser coil and lower the efficiency of your system. Be sure to remove any leaves, branches or debris from the outdoor unit to keep the air around the unit circulating freely.

Keep cool!

About the Author:

Wolfe Plumbing

, serving

Orange County’s air conditioning

needs. Serving the Mid-Hudson Valley, Dutchess, Greene, Putnam and Orange County, NY.


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What Are You Running From, And To, And Why?

What Are You Running From, And To, And Why?

Submitted by: Liesl Garner

All human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why. James Thurber, US author, cartoonist, humorist, & satirist, best known for his contributions to The New Yorker. (1894-1961)

Can you imagine how the world would open up for us if we knew the answers to these questions? To know, without a shadow of a doubt, what it is you are running to with wild abandon, knowing you will be caught in the arms of whatever it is you pursue? Perhaps the art that is in you straining at the little seed of love where it dwells waiting for the smallest nod of acceptance and joy from you to burst into bloom.

There are so many things it could be; the thing we are running to. We get caught up in simply going through the motions of paying bills and running on the treadmill of oughts and shoulds and musts. And we are responsible people; so we take care of what needs to be done. This is good. This is right. This is proper.


How often do we stop to think about what we are running from, and to, and why? How often do we allow ourselves to ponder how big our life really is how many people we affect along the way, how many people are watching us for clues of how to sort out their own lives, how much depends on us being okay in our own skin? And if even for a minute the thought of people depending on you for their well-being makes you cringe, take a deep breath. It s time to get to work on you and your best interests for a minute.

Because people, sometimes young people, sometimes our own young ones are looking to us, it is imperative and a great privilege to spend some time deciphering some of life s bigger questions. Let s not look at self-discovery as one more chore, but as a way to breathe more life into our life, more love into every relationship we enjoy,

This morning, as I look out the window at work. I see the rolling hills of Southern Oregon, the patchwork of various fields, fence lines lined with trees, and farm houses dotting the scenery. There is one bright patch of freshly plowed earth. It is a little square of deep, rich brown amidst the softening green, almost tan of the late autumn, winter ground. Something about it makes me want to rush to it and scoop up the soil in my hands and breathe deeply the smell of fertile ground. Something is going to grow there and that is one of the loveliest things I can imagine.

Something is growing here. My spirit soars at that thought. I watch my children come up with new ideas every day, and I know that they are growing at a pace that will catch me by surprise someday and take my breath away. They will be off to explore the world on their own, and make decisions, and be grown-ups.

At this moment, in this place, I can say that I am running from anything stagnant. I am running toward growth because my imagination is a field that must be plowed on a regular basis. I need activity there. I need the richness of a seed pushed deep into the soil, where it sits and wraps itself in mystery for a time, and then with enough warmth from the sun and nourishment from the rain, it explodes into a dizzying display of outstretched arms and tendrils climbing, flowers bursting forth with filament, petals and pistils.

I am a garden ablaze with vibrant color and endless texture. I can get lost in the depth and brilliance of all the life that is there. It only took a moment of contemplation this morning, for me to be utterly grateful for the mind I dwell in, the gifts I have to give the world, to my own family and children specifically.

Beauty is within. Beauty is inside our hearts and souls and imaginations. Take a moment today to think about what you are running from, and to, and why. I wouldn t take it so seriously as to get lost in a morose downward spiral. Perhaps think more of the running to what inspires you, what makes you sigh happily when you think of it. It could be as simple as a warm cup of coffee with a friend. Some mornings that is what I am running to and I think to stay in the moment that is what we embrace. Some mornings I am running to the satisfaction of completing something big. I love the idea of starting my day with what am I running from, and to, and why? and waking up my heart to wonder and a brief moment of self-discovery.

Today I am in love with nature, the smell of fertile soil, and the pleasure of a fertile imagination. As odd as that may sound, that is my story for today, for this moment. I am running to the richness of Something is Growing Here. Oh, wrap that thought in mystery for a time and see what blossoms come Spring!

About the Author: Liesl Garner is a Fashion Marketing Writer working with Fleece Footwear, an authorized reseller of UGG Boots.


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