Ignoring Penis Healthcare Can Be A Big Mistake

Ignoring Penis Healthcare Can Be A Big Mistake

Ignoring Penis Healthcare Can Be a Big Mistake


John Dugan

For all the pleasure that guys get from their penis and the excitement that it provides, relatively few men pay enough attention to proper penis care. But putting off caring for the penis can have negative repercussions, both in the short term and over a lifetime. Unfortunately, the occasional shower and using protection during sex are not enough to ensure the good health of the penis skin, nerve cells and circulatory tissue.

After reading the information below concerning the problems that can occur without proper attention to penis care, guys should understand why keeping the skin well-hydrated and nourishing it with penis vitamins and minerals is an essential part of every man s personal care regimen.

Skin infections – Bacterial and fungal infections of the penis are common, both in circumcised and uncircumcised men. Yeast infections, balanitis (infection of the glans and/or foreskin), jock itch, and other types of microbial invaders can cause redness, burning, itching, swelling and foul odors. Keeping the skin smooth and blemish-free through proper moisturizing and applying natural anti-bacterials such as vitamin A may help to prevent harmful fungal and bacterial invaders from affecting the look and feel of the penis.

Bent or shortened penis – Unfortunately, it s true that the penis can actually become shorter, or it may take on a bent or curved appearance during erections. This is generally the result of either cumulative or traumatic injury to the penis that causes the formation of scar tissue under the penis skin. Nutrients such as vitamin C are an essential building block of dermal tissue, including the connective tissue that gives the skin its elasticity. Treating the skin regularly with vitamins that benefit skin health may help to decrease the risk of developing deformities.

Loss of sensitivity – Most men report that over time, their penis becomes less sensitive, and more effort is needed to stimulate an erection or create pleasurable sensations. Toughening of the penis skin as a result of friction created by masturbation, sex or even tight clothing can affect the sensitivity of the penile skin. Nourishing the skin and nerve cells with amino acids, skin-hydrating agents such as vitamin E and healing nutrients such as vitamins C, D and A may be indicated in maintaining penis sensitivity over the long term.

Oxidative damage to the penis skin cells – Like the skin covering the rest of the body, the outer dermal layer of the penis can be affected by exposure to UV rays and a variety of environmental contaminants. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid are known to fight cellular damage that can affect the ability of the skin to heal itself and produce healthy new tissue.

Circulatory problems – Inadequate circulation can affect the ability to achieve and maintain an erection, as well as desensitizing the penis and reducing the ability to experience sexual pleasure. Maintaining circulatory health is related to proper care of the penile blood vessels through nutrients such as vitamin C, which are needed for the repair and formation of circulatory tissue.

Where to find the right combination of nutrients for penis health

Keeping the penis skin hydrated and well-nourished with the right combination of vitamins, disease-fighting antioxidants, natural hydrating agents and amino acids may help to prevent a wide range of penis issues that can affect sensitivity and cause premature aging, infections, and unpleasant odors. A specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may help to give the penis a softer, more supple look and feel, promote responsiveness to erotic stimulation, and boost the body s disease fighting abilities, increasing the overall health of the penis for years to come.

For additional information on most common

penis health issues

, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:


. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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Ignoring Penis Healthcare Can Be a Big Mistake

What Exactly Is An Exit Device In Suffolk County Ny?

What Exactly Is An Exit Device In Suffolk County Ny?


A property owner might be told that they need a new exit device in Suffolk County NY? They might get a quote on one, but how do they know it’s a fair price? After all, they might not even know exactly what an exit device is or what it does. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to learn some basic information about what devices are.

What Is It?

An exit device in Suffolk County NY is something that is placed on doors that swing to the outside. It is used on the secure side of the door it is being used for. The main reason the device was invented was to help people safely exit a building during situations with a lot of panic. Prior to the use of exit devices, there were a lot of lives lost because people got pressed against closed doors.


There are ratings for exit devices. Some devices are fire rated, while others are not rated for fire. The devices that are not rated for fire are less expensive than the ones that are and are installed on doors that are non-fire rated.

Devices that are fire rated will have a very noticeable label that will indicate the rating. A locksmith can help determine which type of exit device should be used for a door. Anyone who needs help can visit Ablelockshop.com.

Other Types

A person can also choose to have an exit device that has an alarm. When the device is used, the alarm is activated. Devices can be purchased for light commercial use, industrial use, and even based on how they make a property look. Some property owners are really concerned about how anything attached to their doors will look and affect the style.

Since they were introduced about a century ago, exit devices have come a long way. Locksmiths know all the ins and outs of exit devices and are equipped to repair and replace them. A property owner shouldn’t really try to install or repair an exit device on their own. The last thing they want is a device that doesn’t work as it was intended. You can also connect them on Facebook.

Tulsa Lawn Care And Gardening Tips

Tulsa Lawn Care And Gardening Tips

For optimal results, research what is the normal amount of water required for your garden depending on your climate and plant types. Don’t wait until the blistering summer months to start your water irrigation project; Use good irrigation tactics in the Spring as well. A beautiful garden is achievable by following the appropriate water and Tulsa lawn care strategies.

  • Soil Preparation – Use nutrient rich soil consisting of organic material to really boost your plants. Why? Enriched, top soil is exponentially better than unprepared soil and can retain more water easily. Garden watering will be a breeze because the absorption rate of the soil will be quite excellent.
  • Use Plant Beds – Separate plant holes impede growth, try to use prepared plant beds instead to encourage strong growth. Why? Plants that grow in individual holes of unprepared soil do not produce substantial root systems; as a result, garden watering is much more demanding in order to survive.
  • Plant in Groups – It is vital you take into consideration the location of your plants when organizing your garden. Why? If you plant according to garden watering needs, you’ll find the garden watering process much easier, particularly in the hot months when water requirements are greater.
  • An Inch a Week Will Do – No garden is the same, determining how much water to give your garden will vary according to what you are growing. However, a general rule of thumb is that your lawn and garden require approximately one inch every week. Garden watering is easier with a sprinkler system, but don’t water all at once. Water your garden periodically about 3 times a week while giving your plants some days to rest; 33% of the weekly water dosage should be dispensed each time you water. Take into account if it rains during the week, so you can implement simple math and figure our how much less water to use.
  • Use More Mulch – Not only is mulch aesthetically pleasing, but it conserves water too. Mulch is a great way to retain moisture in your plant beds, containers and annuals. Therefore, use more mulch and think of it as a part of your garden irrigation system. I dare you to find better tips from another source. Dare you!
Liposuction Surgery: How To Stay Thin Afterward

Liposuction Surgery: How To Stay Thin Afterward

Submitted by: Abigail Aaronson

Liposuction surgery is not a replacement for diet and exercise, though it can provide a complement to those healthy choices. The procedure is to take care of those difficult to get rid of pockets of fat accumulation, which even those who have reached their target weight often find remain. Though this fat is generally of the subcutaneous variety and not harmful to the individual s health, it can be unsightly and it can discourage the individual from continuing in their quest for overall fitness and a great physique. What happens after the procedure, though? How can you manage to keep the weight off and make sure that you never encounter that problem again? Here are some great tips to help you stay thin afterward.

Directly following your liposuction surgery, you ll need to follow the diet recommended by your doctor. In many cases, this will mean a high protein diet. Protein is a macronutrient responsible for building up the muscle and aiding in the repair of the body. After your procedure, this is exactly the kind of thing you ll want to focus your efforts on. It may be impossible to exercise for several weeks, meaning you need to get everything you can from your diet. Lean cuts of beef, eggs, chicken, fish, and protein shakes are all excellent sources of protein. Egg whites can be substituted for whole eggs and you will still retain much of the protein, while eliminating much of the cholesterol and fat content.


After a full recovery, your main goal will be to maintain your weight and not slip into the poor eating habits that made you fat to begin with. This does not mean going on any crash diets or cutting entire food groups out of your life. These are the kinds of choices that lead to ruination and the return of weight gain. They say variety is the spice of life, and nowhere is this more true than in the diet. Moderation is key, though there are some foods that are inherently better than others. These are the foods that should make up the bulk of your diet. Fruits and vegetables the darker the better are the best foods you can put in your mouth and can mostly be eaten freely. Healthy carbohydrates like whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and sweet potatoes are a great source of energy. The good sources of protein have been covered. Every diet needs a little fat content as well. Try to get it from good sources such as nuts and olive oil and avoid trans fats as found in many prepackaged cookies and chips. These are not only bad for the waistline, they are bad for the heart.

Retaining your form after liposuction surgery doesn t have to be a war. It just means making some good choices and eating liberally from natural foods like fruits and vegetables. Return to an exercise program as soon as possible, and make sure to mix it up with both some strength training and some cardio. Stick to this type of lifestyle, and you ll never have to worry about the bulge again.

About the Author: If liposuction surgery is something that has been on your mind lately, do your research. Strategies and plans to remain slim are available to you. Visit




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Wicker Shades For Sunrooms

Wicker Shades For Sunrooms

By A.Caxton

When you install a sunroom in your home. the desire to do so normally comes from the urge to spend time in the sun. but on your own terms. The enclosure allows you to avoid the bugs and pests of the outdoors and to control the environment’s temperature. Tinted or glazed windows will reduce the strength of the sunlight that comes through. and often the majority of the sun’s harmful rays as well. However. they don’t give you as many options for controlling the light that enters the room as sunroom shades do. And after a few weeks or months of enjoying your new sunroom. you may discover that you would like to be able to control the amount of light that actually enters the room at different points in the day. Just as you have curtains or window treatments on the other windows in your home. you can find ceiling shades. sunroom light control for the skylights in your room. a number of options to create a curtain for sunroom windows. sunroom window blinds or other sunroom window treatment options. These various shades and window treatments will give you the ability to control the light and heat that enters the room exactly to your comfort level and specifications.

Getting Ceiling Shades Sunroom Style

If you have skylights in your sunroom. then ceiling shades. sunroom style. are designed to fit into the existing frame of your window. If you purchase the shades from the same company that created your sunroom. then the sunroom window treatment that you choose should already be available in the size and shape that you need. If not. or if you had your sunroom custom-designed to your own specifications. don’t worry. You will still be able to find shades to meet your needs. In these cases. you might find that there are no pre-built tracks to accommodate the shades. This isn’t a problem. It just means that the company that installs the shades will need to install stripping to act as tracks for the shades.


The fabric that is used for these kind of ceiling shades will be important in the resulting ability to control the amount of heat and light that is allowed to pass into the room. You will want to ask the manufacturer about the different fabrics that they have available. Certain fabrics will stop different levels of light and heat. For example. if you just want to cut down on the amount of glare in the room. you’ll want a fabric that stops 20 to 30% of the light. But if you want to be able to totally block out the sunlight coming through your skylights. ask about midnight shades. When paired with windows that have the right kind of glazing. these shades can block up to 99% of the light entering through the skylight.

If you have a solarium type of sunroom. such that the entire ceiling is made of windows. some of which are oddly shaped or curved instead of flat. you can still find the shades that you need. The shades will likely need to be custom-fit to your particular windows. creating the right shade for each individual window shape. The shades are designed to have tension so that they will stay flat against the glass and not droop down. However. you will need to decide when designing your sunroom window blinds. which ones you will want to be moveable and which ones can be stationary.

Control Options for Sunroom Window Blinds

Sunroom window blinds can be moved and controlled by a number of different methods. The simplest and least expensive method is by manually manipulating them by a cord pull. handle. or a telescopic pole that you use to reach the track in order to push them open or pull them closed. However. you can also have the shades motorized. If you choose to motorize them. you have a variety of options for controlling them. They can either be hardwired into the power supply of your home or powered by individual batteries. They can be controlled by switches mounted to the wall or by a remote control device. There are also some automatic motorized options. such as blinds that have a sensor in order to open or close automatically at dusk and dawn. Of course. the more complex your shade system gets. the more expensive it will be. And if you do select motorized shades. you will need to account for the eventual costs associated with servicing or replacing the motor.

However. not every sunroom window treatment needs to be so complex. For the lower windows that do not receive direct sunlight throughout the day. you may find that a curtain for sunroom windows is enough light control. If you want to keep the look airy and light. be sure that you select fabrics that are lightweight and give a ‘breezy’ feel. But if you are concerned about privacy or being able to block more light from coming in. you will want to consider sunroom window blinds. That way you can lower and raise them as needed to keep your sunroom feeling comfortable and private.

About the Author: Andrew Caxton publishes articles at http://www.allsunrooms.com .For additional information on wicker furniture subjects follow this link wicker sunroom shades

Source: isnare.com

Permanent Link: isnare.com/?aid=118598&ca=Home+Management

Natural Alternatives To Rawhide Bones

Natural Alternatives To Rawhide Bones


Dog treats and chews come in diverse sizes, shapes, and types. Some are easy to chew; others challenge your dog. Rawhide bones are a common staple of many dog owners. However, there are natural alternatives to rawhide bones that will satisfy the chewing urges of the toughest dog critic.

Talking AlternativesWhen looking at “natural” dog chews and treats, be sure to have a definition clearly in mind. Remember, just because it says so on the package does not make it true. For some companies, natural may include several chemicals or ingredients with lengthy and unpronounceable names. Several of them they list as preservatives – as good an excuse as many.


While it is possible to weed through the terminology and get lost in what chemicals and other ingredients are safe, sometimes the best approach is to look for simple. When looking at the available natural alternatives to rawhide bones, look at those that feature the least ingredients. Consider the small sample provided below:

  • Antlers – Deer and elk shed them. Your pet may enjoy them. These are tough chews but may be too tough or too sharp for some pets
  • Sweet potatoes – Some dogs love; others reject. Check to see which category your canine falls into
  • Bones – Dog lovers are in 3 camps about bones.

    * Those who never feed their dogs bones – too dangerous* Those who argue raw bones are best* Those who believe basted bones are better – easier to digest

In all cases, the right types of bones (large-animal) do provide a challenge and enormous pleasure to canines of all sizes

  • Animal Skins – Some companies take the skin of a pig or other animal, bake it and make it into a chewable, edible and highly digestive product

Natural Alternatives To Rawhide Bones

There are many natural alternatives to rawhide bones. Go online. Do the research and purchase something healthy your dog can chew with relish.

Call The Animal Hospital In Queens, Ny For Emergency Pet Care

Call The Animal Hospital In Queens, Ny For Emergency Pet Care


Ask your children if your pets are part of the family, and you know what they’ll say. It’s terrible when an animal the family loves get sick and needs to go the veterinary hospital, but it’s great to know you can call the animal hospital in Queens, NY every day of the week during emergencies. Right now, they’re offering 20% off on veterinary medical services provided for the care of your animal. You can print the coupon from your computer. Everyone wants to be sure their beloved pet is given the proper care in a clinic they know and trust wholeheartedly.


While your pet is away from you, you can be sure he’ll be treated with the utmost love and care. When you must go away for a few days, you can take your pets to the Animal hospital in Queens, NY and count on their boarding services and staff to treat your dog and cat like a special guest until you return. The clinic will make sure he/she is under supervision, is well groomed and fed just the way you would do if you were home. With glass kennels used to board pets, they won’t realize they’re alone in their own room. They’ll go for walks, have time for play and spend quality time with staff members.

When you view the website of the clinic, you’ll find a ‘contact us’ button that will show you the address and directions to the clinic, how payments for services can be made, hours the clinic is open, along with a short comment and request form. Just fill it out, and you’ll be contacted by a member of the doctor’s staff. Once your pet is a patient at the clinic, you’ll always receive follow-up reminders of certain specified vaccinations needed by a certain date. This includes rabies shots and other vaccinations to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Whether your pet has a toothache, needs a vaccination or toenails clipped, or has suffered an illness that requires immediate attention, call the phone number listed on the contact screen, and give the veterinarians at the clinic a call for help. Most clinics offer a senior citizen discount along with multiple pet discounts to families owning more than one pet.

Payroll System Software

Payroll System Software

Submitted by: Vandana Verma

Understanding exactly what to do for your company when it comes to paying out workers or developing a given Payroll System Software is no simple task. Pay-roll software can be very complex to especially if you have thousands of workers or a large company. Creating a proper Payroll System Software with easy-to-use application for Payroll System that contains all of your discount rates and specifications is very essential. Based on the kind of performance that you are in you may need to create a wide range of discount rates to a Payroll System for benefits, common finance allotments or even your Govt. and service taxation.

If you can find good application for Online Payroll System that instantly contributes all of these discount rates and allows you to create a information for each level of worker, you can simply feedback information weekly and have the application complete computations as well as storage space of all of this essential Payroll System information.

Manual Payroll software System have become somewhat of a subject put to rest. There are several businesses that will do Payroll System software but generally these are arranged for independent implement and precise businesses. For larger organizations it makes much more sense to opt into a form of Payroll System software or to higher on a third-party Payroll System Software to take care of funding each day and weekly. There are a wide range of different third-party independent Payroll Systems software websites as well as services that will allow you to sign up your company and workers online to have Payroll System managed by an individual enterprise. This is an excellent idea if you can manage it as it will leave more time for you to focus on company.


Automatic Payroll System software continues to be one of the least costly options however and they are very simple to maintain. Automatic Payroll System however does mean that you will need to keep your own information and do some research into the taxation guidelines for your industry as well as any discount rates that you might need to create off of personal worker incomes. Tracking all of these discount rates can be difficult but automatic Payroll System software is a great way to ensure that income is all completely precise.

Software for Payroll System however is not too costly and is far more efficient than a guide Software. Automated application for Payroll System Software also will help you to capture any mistakes in your Payroll System Software. For the most part you will not be able to post a Payroll System unless it has been considered precise by the Software.

The software will also come with a wide range of discount rates and tools that you can instantly add into each System for Payroll System. This means that you can set up the software for your personal condition or Govt. body and rest confident that you would follow any law.

No matter the kind of Payroll System Software that you end up choosing it is essential that you keep protected storage space information of your Payroll System.

If there is ever a argument with Payroll System or with a Payroll System is very essential that you has worker information on hand from computerized Payroll System, exterior Payroll System or guide Payroll System based on the choice that you create.

About the Author: Starlinkindia Online Payroll Systems was created to assist HR Professionals with the evaluation, identification and selection of an HR Payroll Software System.




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Single Parenting Problems   Mothers As Single Parents In Usa

Single Parenting Problems Mothers As Single Parents In Usa

By Jennifer A. Gardner

Single mothers face a lot of problems while bringing up children in USA. Financial problems being the most important as ex-husband may not pay the court order money for child support. These mothers may not be able to do a full time job as a result they may not be able to pay for day care and may not meet the criteria for head start. Many are thus dependent on AFDC (aid to families with dependent children) or WIC (Women Infants and children). This dependence on welfare organization once established is difficult to break.

There are many reasons for the financial worries of single mothers. Although most ex-spouses fulfill their court ordered financial obligations regarding their children; a few of them do not comply with this court ordered support. The latter case not only results in extra psychological and physical burden on the single mother, it makes it difficult for her to fulfill the requirements of the child in regards to food and clothing. A lot of people may consider court ordered support as luxury; but on the contrary it is just enough to meet the requirements.

The children constantly grow so they require a regular supply of clothing and food. Education is not entirely free even in state schools. Similarly preschool children require child care, whereas day care is difficult to afford. More over the WIC or AFDC will not support the mother till the issue of court order is resolved. This means going back to the court again and making your ex-husband to pay either by wage garnishment or by any other legal way. It is not an easy task to find an ex- husband so the lone mother can do nothing than to rely on herself alone. This places the mother as well as the child in a danger of becoming homeless. These are the risks of single parenting.


It is difficult to afford daycare as they usually require up to $400 per month. Most lone mothers have to take a job. However with the daycare being so costly it may not be possible for the mother to work as well as look after her preschool children. The head start and the early start are good supportive programs but most of these mothers do not fall in the specified low income groups especially when receiving court support.

So they may not get any support from head start and have to bare all the expenses of daycare all by themselves. She might not get some help from the child’s preschool also. Actually she belongs to the working community among poor. These and such are the problems faced by a single mum in America.

Short comings in the welfare system also effect these single mothers. These mothers are considered the same as any other poor social group by many federal and state programs which run WIC and AFDC. On the other hand these women are more likely to suffer from many psychiatric illnesses which then become a major hurdle in getting job or other financial assistance. As a result of which it becomes difficult for them to gain financial independence and they become permanently dependent on welfare.

As a whole the single mothers living in USA face problems which are quite different from others. It is essential that more funds should be allocated for them

About the Author: Find out more help for single dad parenting and laws on parents rights from top single parenting for dummy resouce portal at singleparentingfordummy.com

Source: isnare.com

Permanent Link: isnare.com/?aid=260266&ca=Parenting

Solve The Mystery Of Lost Business

Solve The Mystery Of Lost Business

Solve the Mystery of Lost Business


Jim Degerstrom

A new home construction subcontractor was seeking advice about the mystery of lost business because their book rate was less than 20%. This person was an electrician, yet the principles I present in this article apply to just about any small business. The opening remark began with a statement that they thought they knew why, so this theorizing meant they were actually uncertain and probably needed a trusted neutral opinion. Don t guess the reason for lost business when you don t know. Find out.

Many solo small business owners cannot state why they get business or why they lose business. We make assumptions, or just don t ask. Until you make it a priority to get both these questions answered, you ll never understand your strengths and weaknesses. Consider the dynamics of conscious marketing and sales efforts.

After the marketing is done and you find prospects the sales cycle is preapproach, approach, presentation, trial close, answer objections, and final close. Ask a trusted friend to tell you bluntly if you are weak in any of those areas. If you lack knowledge of basic sales techniques, it s time to learn. Marketing extends into the preapproach to understand how decisions are made and the price structure. The more you prepare and form a strategy, the more likely you are to succeed.


The small business owner in this instance felt his bid invitations were received to leverage the existing contractor on price. For some of the new home construction jobs he was told his proposal was cheaper, but they awarded the contract based on an established relationship. People buy based on trust, not just price. To win over an existing source you need to demonstrate outstanding credibility and trust. The mystery of lost business for this contractor was still elusive because the right questions were never posed.

People without any intention of ever buying from you may tell you outright to save both parties time, or perhaps they like you and keep you hanging on just to be polite. You could be the pawn they use to drive down the price, but I doubt it. Years ago US Air Force procurement officers proved that even on sole source items, just stating there was competition produced lower bids by an average of 10%. The new home construction companies in this case study already made it known that their quote requests went out for competitive bids. The final decision was not about price. In similar circumstances, any theory is not as important as finding out the real reason why you lost a contract. If a customer stalls without making an immediate buy decision, here are some follow up tips before an award is made.

My sales tips and advice for small business owners when calling about proposals that are pending is assume the contract is open. It must be because they didn t call you. Be positive. If your steps in the sales cycle are “hat in hand” then the lack of confidence factor could be killing your efforts. If you call about a proposal saying “Is the contract still open?”, then your client is off the hook. The only answer to that question is either “yes” or “no”, and the wording itself is an admission you didn t expect to win it anyway. These subtle differences in what you say could make or break your sales success.

Try open ended questions at each step in the sales cycle. Start your inquiry with phrases that encourage your customer to open up. For example, “How would you describe…”, or “What steps do I need to take…”, or “What would you like improved…”, etc. These cannot be answered with one word replies. After your proposal is made, and at an appropriate interval for follow up, contact your prospect and state a new benefit that you offer that they may not have considered. Express your interest to do business, and finally ask for the order. “I m ready. When can we get started?” is much more effective than asking if the order was placed.

Handle disappointments in a professional manner. After you know you lost a contract, or in this case 80% of the bids, keep your dignity and continue with the open ended phrases. State with confidence your ability to do quality work at a fair price delivered on time. Never accuse or complain about their decisions once they re made. Find out what you could do differently next time to become their subcontractor.

Finally, you may want to consider your niche. If customers don t open up when asked open ended questions, then it s probably time to admit the opportunity is not worth the effort. Your time studying quote requests and preparing proposals is costly. When a prospect is repeatedly indifferent, perhaps solo work with smaller contracts or individuals would allow you to grow even if it s in smaller steps.

In conclusion, show interest by asking about the needs of the client. Open ended questions or statements allow the customer to provide details that you may not get with a “yes” or “no” answer. Apply the open ended principles to be prepared in the marketing and sales cycle, and then deal with and learn from disappointments. If necessary, revise your strategy and redefine your market to deal with people who truly appreciate what you offer.

Jim Degerstrom writes small business advice based on 30 years in management, sales, and marketing, including GM or President of small companies in 5 states. He is proficient in website and graphic art design, and runs his online

Small Business Resource Center

and offers advice on his

Small Business Advice Blog

from Kissimmee, Florida USA.

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