Category: Hyperhidrosis Surgery

Hyperhidrosis Surgery

Understanding Heavy Sweating And New Treatments

Understanding Heavy Sweating And New Treatments

Within the physiological norms, sweating plays a crucial part in our body’s natural cooling and detoxifying processes. However, excessive or heavy sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be quite overwhelming and debilitating, affecting everyday lives and mental well-being. This article will explore the reasons behind heavy sweating and spotlight a new treatment for excessive sweating.

Understanding Heavy Sweating

Before delving any further, it is essential to understand what heavy sweating truly entails. Sweat glands, found nearly in all parts of your skin, secrete sweat to keep the body temperature under control. However, when this process becomes overactive, it leads to heavy or excessive sweating. Clinically known as hyperhidrosis, this condition can occur without the usual triggers like heat, nervousness or physical exertion.

There are two main types of hyperhidrosis: Primary focal hyperhidrosis and Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. The former is the most common type, where excessive sweating happens in focal areas like the hands, feet, underarms, face, or scalp. On the other hand, Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis is less common but tends to cause excessive sweating all over the body, usually due to another underlying health condition.

Causes and Impact of Heavy Sweating

The exact cause of primary focal hyperhidrosis remains largely idiopathic or unknown but is thought to stem from overactivity in the nervous system’s sweat-control mechanism. Conversely, secondary generalized hyperhidrosis is triggered through underlying health conditions such as diabetes, menopause, thyroid problems, tumors or certain medications.

Heavy sweating significantly affects a person’s quality of life. It can lead to skin problems like bacterial or fungal overgrowth and infections. Further, due to the embarrassing and uncomfortable nature of this condition, it can cause emotional and psychological distress, negatively affecting social interactions, and professional life.

New Treatment for Excessive Sweating

For long, treatment options for hyperhidrosis were limited primarily to antiperspirants, medications, nerve-blocking medications, and occasionally, surgery. However, technological advancements have paved the way for innovative therapies with fewer side effects and lasting efficacy. A promising new treatment for excessive sweating has emerged, called microwave thermolysis.

Microwave thermolysis is a breakthrough treatment that uses thermal energy to selectively eliminate sweat glands. This treatment is effective particularly for axillary hyperhidrosis, or excessive underarm sweating. The process is non-invasive and requires minimal recovery time, reducing sweat production without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Conducted under local anesthesia, the procedure involves treating the underarm area with a handheld device that sends microwave energy into the skin layer containing sweat glands. The generated heat destroys these sweat glands, which are then naturally eliminated from the body. As sweat glands cannot regrow, the results of this treatment can be long-lasting.


Hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating can be a significant impediment, creating physical discomfort and emotional distress. However, with the advent of cutting-edge treatment techniques like microwave thermolysis, there is hope. If you suffer from heavy sweating, it is essential to consult a dermatologist or a healthcare professional to discuss your symptoms and treatment options.

Remember, every individual is unique, and what works best for one person may not necessarily work for another. Finding an effective treatment plan should be personalized, taking into account individual conditions, lifestyle, and preferences.

Effective Minimally Invasive Varicose Vein Surgery

Effective Minimally Invasive Varicose Vein Surgery


Thousands of people nationally suffer from varicose veins. They tend to become a problem as we get older but they can also become an issue for younger people or women after pregnancy. Apart from being unsightly, they can also be the cause of health issues that range from merely irritating to more serious.

How Do Varicose Veins Form?

A varicose vein is a vein that has become enlarged. They may be very large, running down part of the length of a leg, for example, or very small spider veins that are only noticeable upon close inspection. They may be inherited but also commonly form due to pressure on the cardiovascular system due to pregnancy, obesity, and sitting or standing for long periods of time. Most varicose veins don’t pose too much of a problem, but they can be an issue for some people due to the following:

  • Itchiness: Some people may find their varicose veins itchy and irritable. Some people also find that they experience a burning sensation.
  • Unsightly: Perhaps the biggest complaint, and the reason why many people seek to have varicose vein surgery, is because they can be unsightly. Engorged with blood and sitting just beneath the surface of the skin, a varicose vein can be very noticeable.
  • Ulcers: Because varicose veins are not as efficient at carrying blood back to the heart, blood can pool in them and cause a buildup of fluid. This can result in the formation of ulcers beneath the skin and subsequent bleeding on the surface.

Having Surgery

The good news is that varicose vein surgery is an effective method to remove varicose veins whether they are simply unsightly or causing more serious issues. Clinics such as offer a range of different surgeries for varicose vein removal and it is typical for surgeons to customize the treatment for the patient by taking into account age and skin condition. You can follow them on Google+ for more information.

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Hyperhidrosis

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Hyperhidrosis

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hyperhidrosis By Abdulmubeen Mundewadi

Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive perspiration especially from the palms, soles, and armpits. Some individuals have excessive sweating on the head and forehead. Though this medical condition is benign, it can cause social embarrassment, depression, and long-term disability in performing some professional work like writing or handling papers and documents. Hormonal disorders, diabetes, obesity, and stress can aggravate this condition. High temperatures can aggravate sweating; however, paradoxically, many people with hyperhidrosis report an aggravation in the winter season.

The modern treatment of hyperhidrosis consists of the local use of antiperspirants, oral anticholinergic medicines, iontophoresis (passing a mild current across the hands), injection of botulinum toxin, surgical denervation of affected areas, radiofrequency ablation, surgical removal of affected parts, and subcutaneous liposuction. The major concerns with these treatments are limited improvement; repeated sittings for treatment; considerable treatment cost; serious or troublesome side effects, and recurrence of symptoms.

Excessive sweating is believed to be due to an overactive sympathetic and parasympathetic (both collectively known as the autonomic) nervous system. In Ayurvedic pathophysiology, it is believed that a dysfunction of the ‘Meda’ (fat) tissue is responsible for this condition. Sweat is believed to be a waste product of the Meda tissue. Faulty Meda metabolism results in the quality of the tissue becoming compromised; this causes excessive production of waste material, thereby causing excessive sweating.

The primary treatment of hyperhidrosis, therefore, is to normalize the Meda metabolism. Medicines which act on the Meda tissue are given in high doses or as per the severity of hyperhidrosis. Some of these herbs can also be used to rub locally on affected body parts. Medicines which correct the overactive autonomic nervous system can also be used effectively to treat this condition. It is also beneficial to treat stress, obesity, diabetes mellitus and other conditions directly or indirectly aggravating sweating. Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder where excessive sweating may be a symptom of the condition; treating the primary disorder will automatically reduce or cure, all related symptoms including hyperhidrosis.

It is important to note that complete cessation of sweating is not desirable, since sweating regulates body temperature, maintains fluid balance, and keeps the skin and sweat pores soft. Depending upon the severity of the condition and the response of individuals to treatment, affected patients may require Ayurvedic treatment for periods ranging from three to six months, or sometimes more. Once the symptoms have subsided significantly, the patient can then be treated with reduced doses of previously used medicines or other Ayurvedic medicines to prevent a relapse of the condition.

As discussed above, modern treatment has limited benefit, requires multiple sittings, and can have serious side effects. On the contrary, Ayurvedic treatment is safe for long-term use, and significant relief can be obtained on a very long-term basis. In addition to reduction of excessive sweating, most individuals who take Ayurvedic treatment for this condition also report feelings of improved relaxation, increased confidence, and better control while handling stressful situations. These benefits, along with reduced sweating, are reported several months to even several years after stopping treatment. Ayurvedic treatment therefore appears to be a better treatment modality in the management of hyperhidrosis.

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi is Chief Ayurvedic Physician at Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic based at Thane, Maharashtra, India. He is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

The online clinic offers Ayurvedic treatment for all chronic and refractory health problems. Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, B.A.M.S., has clinical experience of over 33 years and clinical research experience of 20 years. He has conducted extensive research in HIV infection, Schizophrenia and many other chronic diseases.

Contact information is as follows:;; +91-0-8108358858; +91-0-9967928418;

Two Reasons To See A Podiatrist In Kenosha, Wi

Two Reasons To See A Podiatrist In Kenosha, Wi

February, 2017 byadmin

Foot and ankle problems happen for a wide range of reasons such as chronic medical conditions or injuries. Medical conditions include arthritis and diabetes while an injury may happen at any time. In fact, simple overuse or poorly-fitted shoes can cause serious problems not just with your feet but also with your lower back. You are likely to get a speedier diagnosis and treatment recommendations from a podiatrist. These professionals provide a wide range of medical care for issues of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. With their help, you can get swift diagnosis, treatment, and even surgery, depending on your needs.

Regular Running

Runners are particularly prone to aches and pains, such as shin splints. A podiatrist in Kenosha, WI can assess your body and feet to catch potential problems and recommend strategies to help prevent them from occurring. He or she can also recommend the best type of athletic shoe for your foot, which can dramatically improve your posture and footing while running. The right shoes can balance your feet and promote lower levels of pain as you increase your running habit.Your Kenosha podiatrist will work through the options with you and help you make the best decisions for your needs.

Joint Pain

Arthritis is one of the most common conditions affecting Americans today. If you begin to notice swelling, redness, stiffness, or tenderness when moving your feet, you may need to see a podiatrist. Arthritis can change the way the feet function and lead to lasting disability, but a professional can suggest gentle and cost-effective treatments that may preserve joint health and make it easier for you to enjoy day-to-day activities. Arthritis may not be something you can avoid but it can be easier to handle with the help of the right professional.

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